Books and resources for Ministers, Worship Leaders, Church Members and all Spiritual people

Collection: Mid-June 2024 Books and Resources

Delve into diverse aspects of faith, from liturgical resources and biblical explorations to contemporary spirituality and ethical considerations of scientific advancements.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance worship services, deepen your understanding of scripture, or explore the intersection of faith and modern issues, these titles provide thoughtful insights and guidance.

Together, they offer a rich tapestry of perspectives that inspire and challenge believers to live out their faith in meaningful ways.

Summary of the titles

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Connections Worship Companion, Year B, Volume 2: Season After Pentecost by David Gambrell offers complete liturgies for all occasions during the Season After Pentecost, enhancing the worship experience.

Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson provides a profound exploration of the themes and narratives of Genesis, revealing its literary and theological richness.

Everything Good about God Is True: Choosing Faith by Bruce Reyes-Chow invites readers to embrace a progressive, inclusive Christianity rooted in love, kindness, and justice.

Playing God: Science, Religion and the Future of Humanity by Nick Spencer and Hannah Waite examines the ethical implications of scientific advancements and their impact on human identity.

Jesus and the Abolitionists: How Anarchist Christianity Empowers the People by Terry J. Stokes explores the intersection of anarchism and Christianity, advocating for justice and equality.

Thriving on a Riff: Jazz and the Spiritual Life by William Carter reveals the spiritual dimension of jazz and its ability to bridge the gap between the secular and the sacred.

Blessed Are the Rest of Us: How Limits and Longing Make Us Whole by Micha Boyett explores how embracing our limitations leads to a deeper sense of wholeness and connection with God.

Context: Putting Scripture in Its Place – Small Group Study Bundle by Josh Scott provides a comprehensive six-week study resource that examines the true meanings of scripture in their original context.

Does God See Me?: How God Meets Us in the Center of Our Trauma-Healing Journey by Dieula Magalie Previlon offers a compassionate guide to understanding and overcoming trauma through God’s presence.