A weekly blog of Creative Ideas for Leading Worship
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About the Blog
For me, creativity is the key to leading satisfying, effective services.
I’m a Methodist Lay Preacher. Our denomination does not have a set liturgy that worship leaders must follow for ordinary services, so I have a lot of freedom to design the content of services I lead.
Other churches will have approved liturgy from which worship leaders make selections.
Even if the rest of the service follows a standard format, the Children’s Talk / Story time, our Sermon / Reflection / Homily and our choice of hymns, songs and music offer worship leaders opportunities to be creative and try something new.
Each week in Worship Outside the Box I will share a creative idea for a worship activity or ideas about worship and preaching.
I’ll include links to free online resources and, where appropriate, recommend related books and digital titles that you can order from us.
Nga mihi