About Us

About Us

Philip Garside Publishing Limited commenced operations and was registered as a New Zealand private limited company in 1997. Our company is owned and operated by Philip & Heather Garside. 

Our Services

Book sales

We provide a mail order book service for churches, clergy, worship leaders, musicians and church members. We can supply books published in New Zealand and overseas.

We distribute the New Zealand Hymnbook Trust’s print and PDF music books, and their CD and digital recordings: https://philipgarsidebooks.com/collections/nz-hymnbook-trust

Publishing Service

Our current focus is on publishing New Zealand books of worship and other resources by New Zealand authors that support customers’ ministries.

In the past we have published non-fiction print books, on progressive/liberal Christian, social justice/history and pacifist topics.

We publish Print books and eBooks which we also list for sale on major online stores around the world.

There are more details about our publishing process here: