5 — Finding the Divine in the Everyday

5 — Finding the Divine in the Everyday

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Finding the Divine in the Everyday:

Using the prayer God is in the Small Things in Worship


Click for audio narration


The prayer God is in the Small Things – from my PDF eBook Kindle A Flame – offers a beautiful and profound reminder that God’s presence is not confined to grand gestures or extraordinary events but can be found in the seemingly insignificant moments of our daily lives.

This prayer invites us to awaken our senses and appreciate the divine spark that resides in the ordinary, fostering a deeper awareness of God’s constant presence.

Here's the prayer…

 God is in the small things

Lord, open our eyes to your creation:
A fiery sunset on a wide horizon
A spider’s delicate web, spangled with dew
The vibrancy of a child’s painting
The miniature world of life in a rock pool
You are in the small things that we see every day

Lord, open our ears to:
A tui’s song
Children’s laughter in the playground
Music of the city street and traffic’s hum
The joy of a choir singing
You are in the small things that we hear every day

Lord, help us savour:
A meal prepared with love for us by another person
The tang of an exotic fruit
The morning’s first cup of coffee or tea
An ice cream at the beach
You are in the small things that we taste every day

Lord, help us breathe in the smell of:
Salt spray on the wind
Dripping wet native bush on a walk
A new born baby’s head
Mahoe tree flowers on a still night
You are in the small things that we smell every day

Lord, help us to feel:
The warmth of a handshake or hug
A pat on the shoulder when we are sad
The softness of an animal’s fur
The smoothness of a river pebble
You are in the small things that we touch every day

Lord help us as we:
Smile shyly at a new neighbour or classmate
Make a cuppa for a friend
Serve on a committee
Sing in a choir
You are in the small things that we do every day

Lord help us to wonder at:
Coming to church each week and leaving refreshed
Pohutukawa blossom at Christmas
Holding a child’s hand as they walk to school
The Southern Cross on a clear night
Your love is in the small things that we keep in our hearts.


Key Themes: A Celebration of the Mundane

  • God’s Presence in Creation: The prayer emphasises God’s presence throughout creation, highlighting the beauty and wonder found in both the natural and human-made world.

    From sunsets to spiderwebs, children’s artwork to bustling city streets, God’s handiwork is evident in the tapestry of our everyday experiences.

  • Awakening the Senses: The prayer uses vivid sensory language to draw us into a deeper awareness of the world around us.

    It encourages us to truly see, hear, taste, smell, and touch the small things, fostering a sense of mindfulness and gratitude for the simple joys that often go unnoticed.

  • Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary: The prayer challenges us to shift our perspective and recognise the sacredness inherent in the ordinary.

    By acknowledging God’s presence in our daily routines and interactions, we elevate the mundane to the realm of the spiritual, transforming our perception of the world.

  • The Importance of Human Connection: The prayer underscores the significance of human connection and the ways in which God’s love is revealed through our relationships.

    Sharing a meal, offering a comforting touch, or simply smiling at a stranger are acts of love and kindness that reflect God’s presence in our lives.

  • Small Acts of Faith: The prayer highlights the profound impact of seemingly small acts of faith and service.

    Attending church, supporting a friend, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the night sky are all ways in which we can nurture our relationship with God and contribute to the well-being of others.

Practical Applications for Worship Leaders

This prayer’s simple yet profound message makes it a versatile tool for worship leaders seeking to create a more mindful and engaging worship experience. Here are several ways to effectively use God is in the Small Things during services:

  • Call to Worship: Begin the service by reading the prayer aloud, inviting the congregation to enter a posture of attentiveness and gratitude for God’s presence in their lives.

  • Responsive Reading: Engage the congregation in a responsive reading of the prayer, with the leader reciting the first line of each stanza and the congregation responding with the affirmation “You are in the small things...”

    This approach encourages active participation and emphasises the shared experience of finding God in the everyday.

  • Visual Enhancements: Project images that correspond to each stanza of the prayer, such as a sunset, a spiderweb, a cup of tea, or a child’s hand.

    Visual aids can deepen the impact of the prayer and help the congregation connect with its message on a more sensory level.

  • Musical Accompaniment: Consider incorporating soft instrumental music or ambient soundscapes that evoke the sounds of nature or everyday life during the reading of the prayer.

    This can enhance the contemplative atmosphere and encourage a sense of peace and reflection. 
  • Personal Reflection: Encourage the congregation to take a moment of silence after the prayer to reflect on their own experiences of finding God in the small things.

    This provides an opportunity for personal connection with the prayer’s message and fosters a deeper understanding of its relevance to their lives.

Adapting the Prayer for Specific Contexts

The prayer’s structure and themes lend themselves well to adaptation for specific contexts or liturgical seasons. For example, during Advent, the prayer could be modified to focus on finding God’s presence in the midst of busyness and preparation, while during Lent, it could emphasise the importance of simple acts of service and sacrifice.

You could personalise the prayer by substituting words and phrases that resonate with the local culture and environment. This ensures that the prayer remains relevant and meaningful for the specific congregation.

Extending the Message Beyond the Service

The message of God is in the Small Things can extend beyond the walls of the church and inspire a more mindful and grateful approach to everyday life. Encourage the congregation to carry the prayer’s message with them throughout the week, actively seeking out God’s presence in the ordinary moments of their daily routines.

By embracing the prayer’s invitation to find God in the small things, we can cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s constant love and presence, transforming our lives and our communities one small act of faith at a time.

Nga mihi

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1 comment

Thank you Philip! A timely reminder in the midst of the busy-ness of planning Christmas services, arranging musicians, pastoral visiting, attending the dying and funerals and trying to get an essay finished and an exam prepared for. Yes God is in the everyday calling us to take time to notice and to celebrate.

Richard Smith

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