Prayers for Southern People and Prayers for Southern Seasons: Two Book set - Print.
Prayers for Southern People and Prayers for Southern Seasons: Two Book set - Print.
Prayers for Southern People
Prayers for Southern Seasons:
Two Print Book set
By Joy Kingsbury-Aitken
Usually $60.00 + p&p if bought separately.
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Prayers for Southern People - Details
Published: March 2023
Language: English
Words: 63,020
B/W text, 286pp, 6″ x 9″
ISBN 9781991027405
A diverse collection of responsive prayers and liturgies reflecting Southern Hemisphere seasons and social themes.
- Offers a rich collection of worship-tested prayers for Southern Hemisphere congregations.
- Includes a wide variety of liturgical prayers, from confession to commissioning.
- Features prayers that are responsive, fostering active participation in worship services.
- Covers the liturgical year, the Season of Creation, and social justice themes.
- Comes with a comprehensive index for easy navigation and selection of prayers.
- Provides fresh material for lay preachers, clergy, and worship leaders.
- Suitable for both personal devotion and public worship.
Many types of liturgy are included:
- Opening / Gathering
- Candle lighting
- Praise / Thanksgiving
- Intercession
- Confession
- Illumination
- Offering dedication
- Blessing
- Commissioning
- Meditation
The 326 entries are divided into three parts:
- The Liturgical Year
- The Season of Creation
- Social Themes
Click here for more details about Prayers for Southern People
Prayers for Southern Seasons – Details
Published: May 2019; reprinted 2023.
Language: English
Words: 25,870
B/W text, 122pp
Soft cover
ISBN: 9781988572086
Prayers and poems honouring the church year and seasons in Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Provides a unique collection of prayers and poems designed for the Southern Hemisphere.
- Reflects the seasonal realities of Aotearoa New Zealand in its liturgical prayers.
- Helps worship leaders create meaningful services tied to the church year and local seasons.
- Encourages active congregation participation through responsive prayers.
- Suitable for use in bulletins and worship orders for added inspiration.
- Offers poems for personal reflection, adding depth to worship services.
- A valuable resource for devotional creativity and liturgical renewal.
Click here for more details about Prayers for Southern Seasons
About the author
Joy brings to her writing a love of literature and of scripture. She holds an honours degree in English from the University of Canterbury, and in 2004 gained a Bachelor of Theology degree from the University of Otago.
Soon after Joy began to be asked to lead worship for her home congregation and then for other congregations, learning how to do so by trial and error and with helpful advice offered by those sitting in the pews. This experience convinced her of the importance of resourcing lay worship leaders for the task they are requested to undertake.
Joy has served on the executive committee of the New Zealand Lay Preachers Association, including in the role of President. She is a member of the Village Presbyterian Church in Christchurch. Joy is now retired after a 31 year career with the Christchurch City Council, in the discipline of road safety education.
She is married to David Aitken, without whose support her lay preaching ministry could not happen.
Her first book Prayers for Southern Seasons was published in 2019. Prayers for Southern People was published in March 2023.