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Philip Garside Books

Hope is Our Song - Print

Hope is Our Song - Print

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Hope is our Song


This collection contains 158 hymns, carols and songs by 48 New Zealand writers of words and music.

Full keyboard settings for all songs and guitar chords for a selection of songs are provided.

Format: 340pp, A5 laminated cover, wire binding.

Published 2009.

Click for: MP3 Audio tracksPDF eBookMusic CD


Nine indexes at back of the book, cover:

  • Forty themes (from Anniversaries to World)
  • The Church’s Year (from Advent to All Saints / All Souls)
  • The Worship Service (from Adoration / Praise to Benediction / Blessing)
  • Pastoral / Sacramental Services (including Communion, Naming, Marriage / Union / Commitment, Baptism, Induction, etc. )
  • Biblical Index (from Genesis to Revelation)
  • Glossary of Maori words
  • Index of Authors, Translators, Composers and Arrangers
  • Index of Tunes; First line titles and subtitles.

These Indexes provide an invaluable tool for all who prepare church worship and other spiritual rituals.


Hymns list

Hymn titles are in italics, first lines in Roman type.

A Blessing for a House 54
A Farewell 78
A Hymn for a New Ministry 145
A Hymn for Ascension 14
A Hymn for Church Meetings 5
A Hymn of Thanks for our Pets 22
A Night in Bethlehem 57
A pinch of salt 1
A Springtime Carol 92
A stranger met by chance 2
A Welcome Song 30
Abba, Matua, we ask you 3
All will be well 4
Always there’s a carol 6
As sisters, brothers 5
As the wind song 7
Autumn comes in all its fullness 8
Beautiful presence 9
Because you came 10
Beyond all accidents 12
Blessings on the buildings 11
Bring in your new world 13
Carol for a Hard Winter 120
Carol of the Least Child 133
Christ ascends to God 14
Christ has changed the world 15
Christians are all kinds of people 16
Come celebrate the gift of life 17
Come fill our cup 18
Come to the feast 20
Communion Meditation 80
Companions, let us pray together 21
Cradle Song 59
Creation sings! 29
Creator God 34
Creator God, we give you thanks 22
Deep in the human heart 19
E te Ariki 23
E te Matua 24
Ephphatha, be opened, my soul 25 Eternal God 26
Every hair upon your head 27
Everything that has voice 28
Friend in Christ 30
From this holy time 31
Glorious are you 33
Go gently, go lightly 35
God be in, around, above me 36
God bless our land 37
God come now to explore 38
God comes to us 42
God companion of our journey 32
God composer and conductor 34
God Dancing in the Rain 123
God in Everything 42
God in Your Grace 95
God of ages 39
God of diversity 40
God of growth and recreation 41
God of our island home 43
God of our workplace 44
God of solemnity 47
God of the northerlies 45
God of work and rest 46
God our father, mother, lover 48
God was in Christ 49
God who births us 51
God who granted faith 50
God who weeps 52
God within our deepest thought 53
God, in Your Grace 95
God’s grace upon this house 54
Hairsong 27
Here I stand among God’s people 55
Here in the busy city 56
Here is a night 57
Here to celebrate God’s loving 58
Heritage of Faith 144
Hold him tenderly 59
Honour the dead 61
Hope is our Song 102
How much am I worth? 63
How small a spark 64
Hymn for Anzac Day 61
Hymn for Good Friday 108
Hymn of Approach to Communion 148
Hymn of Blessings 11
I arise this day 65
I cannot dance 66
I come where trust and faith 67
I sing the grace 68
I will talk to my heart 69
I’m a living stone 70
I’m gonna take another step 72
If one could speak 73
If you shut your eyes 74
In the name of Christ 75
In trust we come 76
In what strange land 77
Induction Hymn 78
Into the hands that blessed 78
Invitation to Communion 131
Jesus our sun 79
Jesus touch us 80
Jumping Jesus 81
Just a mustard seed of faith 82
Just as a mother sings 83
Karakia ki te Wairua Tapu 84
Leftover people 85
Let me turn your light on 86
Let our earth be peaceful 87
Let our love shine out 88
Let us go in your peace 89
Life into life 91
Life is like a river 60
Living Christ, you call us here 90
Living Creatively 152
Look around you 92
Look in wonder 93
Lord Jesus, look on this 94
Love is your way 95
Lover of creation 98
Magnificat 62
Make spaces for Spirit! 96
Mary’s son, my friend 97
Mary’s Song 101
Matthew was a lonely man 99
More than we know 100
My heart is leaping 101
My soul sings 62
New Beginnings 32
No I’ve never seen an angel 103
Nothing in all creation 102
Now the silence 104
Now the star of Christmas 105 O beauty ever ancient
107 O Christ, you hang upon a cross 108
O God, beyond our knowledge 71
O God, our God, disabled God 112
O God, to you I cry in pain 106
O living Word 109
On a cool and autumn dawn 110
Open your eyes, open your ears 74
Ordinary People 156
Pauatahanui Blessing 89
Peace be with you 111
Peace is not fighting 113
Peace to the world 114
Peacemakers’ Hymn 15
Pentecost Song 96
Pilgrimage Song 143
Praise God, I am welcome 115
Praise the all-sustaining Word 116
Putting People First 126
Rockin’ the boat 117
Simply to be 118
Sing for Peace 28
Sing out a song 119
Sisters and brothers 120
Snap us out of it, Lord 121
So is the Love of God 83
Something beautiful for God 122
Something’s dead inside me 123
Sometimes the boundless beauty 124
Song for Quaker Friends 129
Song of Letters 3
Song of the Wilderness 150
Speaking up 126
Spirit of love 125
Take a grape 127
Te Moana Blessing 130
Thank you for the night 128
The blessing of water 130
The bread is blessed 131
The Fruits of the Spirit 127
The Heart Will Sing 119
The Ho-hum Hymn 121
The Least of These 85
The light, the Christmas light 132
The Many-faceted God 47
The Peace Hat Song 113
The River 60
The Sevenfold Passion Mysteries 138
There is no child so small 133
There shall be life and love 134
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy 135
This is our faith 136
Thou art the peace 137
Three Faiths Carol 105
Through winter cold 139
To God the process 140
Tree of Eve and Adam’s blame 138
Tree of Peace 151
Treksong 72
Twelve disciples Jesus had 141
We are children of God 142
We praise our country’s saints 143
We thank you for the heritage 144
We thank you, God 145
What does our God require 146
When at this table 148
When evenings shorten 147
When the child is at the centre 149
When we go into the night 150
Where shall be found 151
Where the light of Easter day 153
Who would walk cheerfully 129
Who sweeps the stable 154
Wind on the water 155
Wisdom be our guide 156
Wisdom far beyond our knowledge 157
Yahweh, breathe the breath of God 158
You hold us 152

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