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Baker Books

Pauline Theology as a Way of Life - Print

Pauline Theology as a Way of Life - Print

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Pauline Theology as a Way of Life:
A Vision of Human Flourishing in Christ

Joshua W. Jipp

Hard cover 288pp.
ISBN 9781540965721
Baker Books (2023)

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In this fresh approach to Pauline theology, respected scholar Joshua Jipp brings Paul’s pastoral concerns to the fore, specifically his concern for human flourishing in his congregations.

Jipp argues that Paul’s writings are best understood as invitations to a particular way of life, one that is oriented toward the supreme good of experiencing life in God through participation in Christ. For Paul, Christ epitomises the good life and enables others to live it.

While analysing Paul’s thought through this lens of well-being and flourishing, Jipp introduces conversation partners as points of comparison and contrast. He interacts with ancient philosophy and modern positive psychology, both of which also address “the good life.”

This important and substantial contribution to Pauline studies covers issues such as transcendence, suffering and death, relationships, pursuit of Christian virtue, and moral agency. It will be a valuable resource for all students of Paul.

“Entrepreneurs, bloggers, and talking heads of all sorts are all too happy to promote their visions of what makes for the ‘good life,’ but few people would connect that topic with the apostle Paul. Joshua Jipp begs to differ. In this informed and wide-ranging study, Jipp puts Paul’s Letters in conversation with both ancient philosophy and contemporary positive psychology. The result is an energetic invitation to read Paul’s theology as nothing less than ‘a way of life.’“
Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Princeton Theological Seminary

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