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Let’s Say a Psalm - eBooks.

Let’s Say a Psalm - eBooks.

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Let’s Say a Psalm: The Psalms in a fresh voice for children, families and worship.

By Silvia Purdie

You are buying a zipped file containing eBook editions of this 136 page book in PDF, ePub and Mobi formats. (2019). ISBNs: Mobi 9781988572178; ePub 9781988572185;
PDF 9781988572161.

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Enjoy these lively psalm paraphrase prayers at home with your family and for worship with children in church.

Silvia has interpreted the Psalms through a Jesus lens, assuming that they include prophecy about Christ, that Jesus re-interpreted them and that all scripture breathes the Word of Christ.

The book includes brief notes on: involving children in worship, the name of God “the Lord,” the violent texts in some of the Psalms, and reading the Psalms with Jesus in mind. There is also a thematic index and a list of New Testament references.

Psalms are about real human life, full of feelings. They sing about fears, fights and celebrations, and bring it all to God. Psalms teach us how to pray, in the hard times and the good times, in church and alone and with the people we love.

Silvia hopes that her versions ring true with each original Psalm and that they also translate ancient words and mind-pictures into images to which children can relate. She also hopes that you will explore other translations and enjoy ‘saying the Psalms’ together in lots of different ways.
Some of these poems are prayers for home, perhaps for bedtime. Some are for church, for all-age worship.

Psalms were originally songs; these versions are to be read aloud. Many are formatted for several voices, which works well in church for involving children.
Illustrations include Silvia’s own photos, many from a visit to Israel.

Praise for Let’s Say a Palm

“For millennia, the Psalms have been the prayer book for people of faith. Silvia Purdie has paraphrased each one in a delightful way, bringing freshness to the themes. She helps people today – including youth and children – experience the relevance of the thoughts and prayers in each Psalm. Her paraphrases are a delight.”
Rev Lynne Baab, PhD, author of Sabbath Keeping & The Power of Listening

About the Author

Silvia Purdie is a minister in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, with a background in youth & children’s ministry and counselling, currently in post-earthquake Christchurch. She is married to Chris, a military chaplain, with three young adult sons.

She completed theology and ministry training and was ordained in 2010, working in Foxton-Shannon, Milson Combined Church in Palmerston North, and currently Cashmere Presbyterian Church in Christchurch.

She has particular interest in the connections between the Old and New Testaments and comes to the Psalms with Jesus in mind.

This collection draws on her experience with worship and scripture, children and teenagers, pastoral care and music.

Illustrations include Silvia’s own photos, many from a visit to Israel.
To explore more of her writing and worship resources, and to contact her, visit her website:


Welcome to the Psalms!

The Psalms

    • Psalm 1: A tree by a stream
    • Psalm 2: You are my child
    • Psalm 3: The shield around me
    • Psalm 4: I rest in you
    • Psalm 5: Sing for joy
    • Psalm 6: Weary with moaning
    • Psalm 7: In the lion’s den
    • Psalm 8: Out of the mouths of babes
    • Psalm 9: With all my heart
    • Psalm 10: Why, Lord, why?
    • Psalm 11: The Xbox Psalm
    • Psalm 12: Pure Silver
    • Psalm 13: How long?
    • Psalm 14: “There is no God”
    • Psalm 15: Truth telling
    • Psalm 16: A goodly heritage
    • Psalm 17: The apple of your eye
    • Psalm 18: The Volcano Psalm
    • Psalm 19: Song of the Stars
    • Psalm 20: God bless you!
    • Psalm 21: Thank you for Jesus
    • Psalm 22: Don’t leave me!
    • Psalm 23: The Shepherd Song
    • Psalm 24: Lift up the ancient doors!
    • Psalm 25: Teach me your ways
    • Psalm 26: True North
    • Psalm 27: Take courage, my heart!
    • Psalm 28: Are you listening?
    • Psalm 29: The Hurricane Psalm
    • Psalm 30: Joy in the morning
    • Psalm 31: My hiding place
    • Psalm 32: The mad donkey
    • Psalm 33: Rejoice today!
    • Psalm 34: Always praising!
    • Psalm 35: Trapped and slandered
    • Psalm 36: Far reaching Love
    • Psalm 37: The meek shall inherit the earth
    • Psalm 38: All my pain
    • Psalm 39: A crisis of purpose
    • Psalm 40: Stuck in the swamp
    • Psalm 41: Bad friends
    • Psalm 42: As a deer
    • Psalm 43: A walk of faith
    • Psalm 44: A formal complaint
    • Psalm 45: A royal wedding!
    • Psalm 46: We will not fear!
    • Psalm 47: A Shout of Praise
    • Psalm 48: Jerusalem, Jerusalem
    • Psalm 49: Who can pay the ransom?
    • Psalm 50: The courtroom drama
    • Psalm 51: The Washing Psalm
    • Psalm 52: God sees through
    • Psalm 53: No God?
    • Psalm 54: Help me now as you’ve helped me before
    • Psalm 55: Betrayed by your best friend
    • Psalm 56: Being trod on
    • Psalm 57: Wake up the day
    • Psalm 58: The Snake Psalm
    • Psalm 59: The pack of dogs
    • Psalm 60: The Earthquake Psalm – for Christchurch
    • Psalm 61: Can you hear me, God?
    • Psalm 62: My rock of salvation
    • Psalm 63: Hide and Seek
    • Psalm 64: It’s not OK!
    • Psalm 65: He’s got the whole world in his hands!
    • Psalm 66: Come and hear
    • Psalm 67: All you peoples praise!
    • Psalm 68: Gifts for his people
    • Psalm 69: The Mud Psalm
    • Psalm 70: Hurry up!
    • Psalm 71: All our lives long
    • Psalm 72: Long live the King!
    • Psalm 73: The Jealous Psalm
    • Psalm 74: Destruction and persecution
    • Psalm 75: The pillars of the earth
    • Psalm 76: Weapons of war
    • Psalm 77: The Sleepless Psalm
    • Psalm 78: Tell our story to the children
    • Psalm 79: The terrible prison
    • Psalm 80: God’s shining smile
    • Psalm 81: Honey from the rock
    • Psalm 82: The Nobodies’ Psalm
    • Psalm 83: The enemies of Israel
    • Psalm 84: How lovely is your house
    • Psalm 85: Good gifts
    • Psalm 86: An undivided heart
    • Psalm 87: The Census Psalm
    • Psalm 88: The Rejection Psalm
    • Psalm 89: The Chosen One
    • Psalm 90: A puff of dust
    • Psalm 91: The Trust Psalm
    • Psalm 92: Saying thanks at bedtime
    • Psalm 93: Water rising
    • Psalm 94: Praying for a world in trouble
    • Psalm 95: Come let us sing for joy
    • Psalm 96: Words run out
    • Psalm 97: Rejoice, the Lord is King!
    • Psalm 98: Sing along a new song
    • Psalm 99: If you shake us
    • Psalm 100: The joyful parade
    • Psalm 101: Call me loyal
    • Psalm 102: The time has come!
    • Psalm 103: Bless the Lord, O my soul
    • Psalm 104: A Psalm for Aotearoa
    • Psalms 105, 106 and 107: The History Psalms
    • Psalm 108: A wake-up call
    • Psalm 109: SO ANGRY!!
    • Psalm 110: All about Jesus
    • Psalm 111: Praise the Lord, now and forever!
    • Psalm 112: Welcome to the good life!
    • Psalm 113: From the rising of the sun
    • Psalm 114: Skipping mountains
    • Psalm 115: Toy gods
    • Psalm 116: Death could not hold me down
    • Psalm 117: The Shortest Psalm
    • Psalm 118: Pointing to the risen Lord
    • Psalm 119: The Longest Psalm
    • Psalm 120: Watch your mouth!
    • Psalm 121: I lift my eyes to the hills
    • Psalm 122: The Peace of Jerusalem
    • Psalm 123: Asking for help
    • Psalm 124: If it wasn’t for God
    • Psalm 125: Good balance
    • Psalm 126: A harvest of joy
    • Psalm 127: The Lord builds the house
    • Psalm 128: Live long and prosper
    • Psalm 129: Attacked and whipped
    • Psalm 130: Out of the Depths
    • Psalm 131: Calm and quiet
    • Psalm 132: The Forever King
    • Psalm 133: Live in unity
    • Psalm 134: A circle of blessing
    • Psalm 135: Come on, people, praise!
    • Psalm 136: Endless love
    • Psalm 137: By the rivers of Babylon
    • Psalm 138: Thank you for your love!
    • Psalm 139: The Omniscience Psalm
    • Psalm 140: Our God saves
    • Psalm 141: The Goody-good’s Psalm
    • Psalm 142: The prison escape
    • Psalm 143: A Psalm for Easter Saturday
    • Psalm 144: Blessed are God’s people
    • Psalm 145: We will tell your praise
    • Psalm 146a: Will you praise the Lord?
    • Psalm 146b: God at work
    • Psalm 147: Who is this God of ours?
    • Psalm 148: Calling all creation!
    • Psalm 149: Find joy here
    • Psalm 150: Everything praise!

Involving children in worship
The name of God “the Lord”
The violent bits
Reading Psalms with Jesus in mind
Art and photographs


    • Calls to worship
    • General worship Psalms
    • Confession Prayers
    • Blessing Psalms
    • Morning prayer
    • Night Prayer and Trust Psalms
    • In trouble: stress, bullying and sickness
    • Justice Psalms
    • Being family and church
    • Ethical living
    • Creation
    • Stories and longer reflections
    • Songs
    • New Testament references
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