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Philip Garside Books

Holy Imagination - Print

Holy Imagination - Print

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Holy Imagination: A Literary and Theological Introduction to the Whole Bible.

By Judy Fentress-William.

Pbk 384pp.
ISBN 9781426775314.
Abingdon Press (2021).
[Allow 4 weeks].

The many voices in scripture form a dialogue with readers, which produce theological truths that are larger than the individual parts. This introduction groups sections of the whole Bible together by genre.

Each section identifies and describes the genre (such as historiography, poetry, prophecy, gospel, letter, apocalypse), and then moves into a discussion about the literary characteristics and theological insights.

“At last, an introduction that students will enjoy reading, because it is at once engaging, informative, and eye-opening, as well as completely lucid. Williams shows how many books of the Bible reflect the experience of marginalized persons and communities in precarious situations, and therefore how they speak in ways both realistic and encouraging to contemporary readers. Do your students and yourself a favour: adopt this text and get ready for serious conversation about ancient texts that never go out of date.” Ellen F. Davis, Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology, Duke Divinity School

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