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Philip Garside Books

Grief - Loss - Dying - Ministry - 4 eBook set

Grief - Loss - Dying - Ministry - 4 eBook set

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Grief - Loss - Dying - Ministry - 4 eBook set

  • The Grief Walk: Losing, Grieving, and Journeying on to Something New by Alister Hendery

  • Moving OnGrief in Ministry Transitions by Silvia Purdie

  • Earthed in HopeDying, Death and Funerals – A Pakeha Anglican Perspective by Alister Hendery

  • The Art of Dying WellIdeas and reflections to help you face your death with courage, peace and hope by Ian M Kilgour


You are buying a zipped file 43mb containing eBook editions of all four eBooks in PDF, ePub and Mobi formats.

The set is priced at just $47.50, saving you $15

This offer ends on 30 May 2024.
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Descriptions and details

The Grief Walk

Published: 2020. Words: 67,533, 216 pages

This practical book is for people who are grieving, for people who want to support them as they undertake the painful journey of grief, and for anyone who wants to reflect on their own experiences of loss.

When Alister asked Isobel, whose husband had died a few years before, what would have helped her most then, her response was immediate. ‘Someone who would walk with me. Not people who would talk at me and give me answers, but simply listen to me and walk with me.’ The grief walk.

Grieving and loss are universal experiences, but how you experience grief is unique to you. In his ministry, Alister has found that models of the stages of grief are unhelpful, as is the idea of closure. Instead, he gives you permission to work through your grief in the ways, and at the times, that are helpful to you.

Alister explores disenfranchised grief that occurs when we are denied the right to grieve and our loss isn’t recognised.

Our lives are marked by countless losses and we all carry grief about many losses in our life. If we embrace our grief, we can journey on to something new and find fresh hope.

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Moving On

Published: October 2022. 290 pages

Any ending of a ministry involves a unique and complex mix of grief for all involved.

This book will help ministers and churches hand ministry changes better.

Moving On is full of good advice and personal stories about a wide range of ministry transitions. Ministers and lay church leadership teams will find in this book practical guidance to help them work through ministry changes with honesty and good grace.

Ministers are professional experts on grief. Holding others through endings, dying and bereavement is a core part of the job. However, attending to our own grief and transitions is easier said than done. It helps when we apply what we know about grief to ourselves and our own families.

Grieving well releases fresh energy and joy, to be available to new communities and contexts. Grieving releases us more fully into God’s life-long call, through different seasons and expressions of ministry.

This book reflects upon the experience of the pastor as he or she works through the process of ‘moving on’ from a ministry. It explores the complex and compound nature of grief, especially when a ministry has been conflicted and when the decision to leave was difficult. It offers a wealth of experiences from a breadth of cultural contexts, from nearly 40 contributors.

The grief of ministry transitions is addressed in prayer and liturgy. There are tools and resources as well as discussion about church processes and policy related to endings such as resignations and retirement.

Poems by New Zealand writer Ana Lisa de Jong add further depth to the book.

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Earthed in Hope

Published: 2014. 300 pages.

Earthed in Hope will enrich the funeral ministry both of those in the Anglican tradition and also those from other Churches. It is a valuable resource for funeral celebrants, counsellors and anyone supporting the bereaved and dying. Hendery reflects on and responds to spiritual, theological, liturgical, pastoral and cultural questions, and offers practical suggestions and insights that will be helpful to those involved in taking funerals and caring for the bereaved and the dying.

Earthed In Hope raises challenging and important questions, including:

  • What are the purposes of a funeral? People often speak of funerals being for the living, but what about the dead? What is their role at the funeral?
  • Why does contemporary society deny death and how do we help people face the reality of their mortality?
  • How do we minister in a pluralistic culture where people are ‘spiritual’ but not ‘religious’?
  • What is the difference between a Church funeral and a celebrant-led service?
  • How do we respond to the ever-increasing preference for cremation and the challenges this form of disposal presents?
  • How is grief expressed on the Internet and in what ways is the ‘Green Movement’ influencing the New Zealand way of death?
  • How do we pray for and remember the dead?
  • What is the Christian understanding of life after death and what place is there for doubt?
  • How did funeral services develop?

Since the 1970s, the funeral scene has undergone sweeping changes. Innovative funeral practices developed in New Zealand have been studied by and adopted in other countries. Life-centred funerals, led by celebrants, have become the norm and cremation is now much more common than burial.

When the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand revised all its liturgies, it produced the most comprehensive funeral rites in the Anglican Communion. They enable its ministers to respond creatively to the needs of the bereaved in a contemporary setting. The current New Zealand Anglican Liturgies are flexible and for the most part sound. Alister Hendery highlights places in which they can be enhanced and offers positive suggestions for improvement.

An overarching theme of Earthed In Hope is that while celebrant-led funerals provide a valuable service to the community, the Church is still well-positioned to work with the bereaved, conduct funerals and perform the various rituals associated with death. However, it must do things in a new way. Hendery urges the Church and its ministers to give more attention and priority to this vital aspect of Christian mission.…

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The Art of Dying Well

Published:  April 2019. Words: 14,180. 80 pages

This book will help you face your own death with courage and faith. Some simple things can help ease your mind and bring peace to your heart.

Much of the book is written in the first-person singular to help you personalise your reflections.

There are many prompts for you to write in a notebook or journal your reflections and memories of significant people, places and events in your life, and ideas for your funeral.

Dip into the book where and when you want, pondering only one or two paragraphs at a time. It includes readings and meditations from a wide range of perspectives and faith traditions.

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