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Books and resources for ministers, worship leaders, church members and all spiritual people

Philip Garside Books

Living for Love - Print

Living for Love - Print

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Living for Love: The essence of Christianity, and humanity's only hope

Dave Tomlinson

Paperback, 156pp
ISBN 9781789592580
Sacristy Press (2023)

[Allow 4 weeks]


Confident in God’s eternal love, we are set free from self-promotion to live the lives we are being given. Loving the people with whom we are connected is fundamental to love for God.

Believing that the supreme interpreter and exemplar of love is Jesus Christ, Tomlinson expounds Jesus’ teaching on how our love is to include the stranger, and even our enemy.

Communities rooted and grounded in love are at the heart of what it means to be the Church, and forming “loving communities” is essential to the vision of one human family united by mutual love in the pursuit of a just and sustainable future.

The world is in crisis. In the wake of a global pandemic, the climate emergency is already wreaking havoc. We are hampered by division between and within nations. The delusional pursuit of self-interest renders a concerted response difficult. That is why the clarion call to “live for love” now resounds with increasing urgency.

The author has produced a free study sheet (PDF) to accompany the book.
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