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Lay Preaching Basics - Print.
Lay Preaching Basics - Print.
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Lay Preaching Basics: A Practical Guide to Leading Worship.
By Rosalie Sugrue
Published: July 2018
Language: English
Soft cover, 230pp
Dimensions: 6″ x 9″
Words: 59,190
ISBN: 9781927260869
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Praise for Lay Preaching Basics
(Touchstone is the monthly newspaper of the
Methodist Church of New Zealand.)
In the first part of her book, Rosalie introduces the reader to the Bible by providing basic information about content, characters and concepts in both testaments. There is enough to stimulate the mind and encourage further exploration by referring to the up-to-date bibliography at the end of the book.
The author then moves to the nitty-gritty of how to plan a service of worship, giving general outlines and practical tips along the way. There are examples of orders of service, sermon outlines and pointers on presentation.
But this is not just a ‘how-to’ book. Rosalie reminds the would-be worship leader that worship must be meaningful and relevant for the particular congregation. As she reminds the reader, “It is about engaging the soul.” What might suit a café style service in the local parish will not be suitable for a rest home service of worship. She encourages the use of participation, silence, music and visual aids.
The rest of the book is a rich and varied selection of resources for use in worship, most of which are from Rosalie’s own pen. They are the fruit of her background and experience as a teacher and are tried and tested if used in the right context. There are ideas for the different seasons and festivals of the church year, time with children, themes for opening devotions, dialogues and plays, reflections and meditations.
The section of prayers and liturgical resources is particularly useful for the beginning worship leader. For example, there is a fine prayer for Disability Sunday which begins, “God of struggles, strengths and strategies, help us to cope with what we have…”
It is too easy these days to ‘copy and paste’ material from the internet, even reproducing whole sermons as one’s own. Rosalie reminds us that the sermon “Is the one piece of a service that cannot be taken from a book” [or the internet]. She suggests prayerful preparation and mulling over of one’s random thoughts on a passage of scripture which will help “You explore and firm up on what you believe.” This is what congregations want and need to hear.
This is a practical book which will inspire, encourage and educate anyone who has a calling to lead worship in their local congregation or region.”
Along with the endorsement and support of a congregation, this is a useful book to go hand-in-hand with study and spiritual formation for anyone who is considering the journey towards becoming a trained and competent Lay Preacher. I recommend it!” Viv Whimster, 2016–2018 Vice-President, Methodist Church of New Zealand.
“This book is just what New Zealand churches need to support the emerging lay leadership in worship services.” John Thornley, Lay Preacher, Palmerston North.
Book Description
In the first third of the book Rosalie outlines information on key people and history in the Scriptures and offers a helpful step-by-step guide to planning and leading a service. In the rest of her book, Rosalie draws on the teaching tools and ideas she has developed as an educator and provides a variety of full service outlines and many sample prayers, as well as a list of websites and books as additional resources.
From the Introduction
Leading a service is a serious responsibility. Ideally all worship leaders should undergo a comprehensive course in Bible study, church history, theology (study of God: Greek theos “God” and logos “reason”), Christian beliefs (faith and practice), homiletics (the art of preaching), and other religions.
Potential worship leaders deserve to be mentored into accepting increasing worship responsibilities before contemplating leading an entire service. But we often find ourselves in situations far less than ideal. The intention of this book is to consider practicalities and set out the basics of worship leading, as well as providing some essential background knowledge, samples and resources.
About the Author
Rosalie’s mother Elva Reynolds was a Methodist Deacon and also a lay preacher. Rosalie is a past president of the NZ Lay Preachers’ Association, and the inaugural facilitator of the Methodist Lay Preachers Network 2004, serving as a co-facilitator until 2008. She has led hundreds of church services in New Zealand and the UK. She has also led rest home services, family services, cafe style worship, house blessings and devotions in many other situations.
A wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and author now retired Rosalie has worked as a psychiatric nurse, teacher and motellier.
She has been active in Jaycees, the Methodist Women’s Fellowship, the Community of Women and Men in Church and Society, National Council of Women, the Churches’ Agency on Social Issues, Victim Support and U3A.
She continues an active role as a lay preacher leading one to three services every month in a variety of churches.
1 — Help! The Preacher hasn’t arrived
2 — Introduction to the Gospels
3 — Essential Background Knowledge
Basic Bible Concepts
A general Overview of OT content
More Bible Information
Bible Men, Women and Children
Important Bible characters
Lists of things (Animal, Vegetable, Mineral) mentioned in the Bible
Examples of Jesus’ teaching referring to common things
Teachings of Paul
Common Expressions used in everyday speech with Biblical origins
4 — Making Reflections Memorable
Engaging Techniques
5 — Making Services Meaningful
6 — How to organise a church service
Check exactly what is required of you
Check the Lectionary
Read all the set readings
Select Bible passages
Find suitable hymns and prayers
Things to check near end of week
Services in General
Formal Services
Order of Service
7 — Lectionary and Liturgy
8 — How to prepare a reflection (sermon)
Content of a Reflection in brief
Practical considerations
9 — Service sheets and PowerPoints
No service sheet or PowerPoint
Time considerations and setting up
10 — The Preacher’s Satchel
Permanent contents should include:
If travelling beyond your home parish
11 — Children’s Time / Family Time
Children always present
No children expected
Often present but not always
Family Time
12 — Circle and Cafe style services
Leading an Alternative Service
13 — Services for rest homes
Formal services
Less formal services
Tips for connecting with seniors
14 — Devotions: Ideas to build on
Themes to get you thinking
15 — Complete Service Samples
Complete Service Sample 1 — The Season of Lent
Complete Service Sample 2 — Harvest Festival
16 — Sample ‘Family Time’ slots
New Year (Expect to find solutions to things that seem impossible)
Harvest Festival (I spy)
Lent (What’s missing?)
Hiroshima Day
All good ideas can be adapted to fit different situations
Doing and things – creative child participation
Background Information
17 — Sample Cafe Services
Sample Cafe Service 1 – Spirit of Creation – Tree Sunday
Sample Cafe Service 2
18 — Ideas for Devotions, Family Time and Less Formal Services
Advent Kindness Calendar
Christmas parables
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Christmas Journeys
Spiritual Garden – Harvest Festival
Palm Sunday – Christ Values
Dualities of Holy Week
Wisdom and proverbs
The Full Jar — A children’s talk / devotion
Banana Heaven
Difficult Problems – 3 Sons and 17 Camels
Mother’s Day: Anna Jarvis (1864–1948)
Father’s Day
Meditation for Father’s Day
If You Were King
The Tiny Town of Tontevoc
The Prodigal Daughter
Meditation for Lent — A Light for All Seasons
A post Easter Reflection — The Emmaus Way
The Thirteen Precepts
God in Nature
Seeds and Flowers
Invigorating Bible Stories
19 — Sample Prayers
Calls to Worship
Prayers of Approach
Prayers before the Reflection / Sermon
Offertory / Offering Prayers
Pastoral Prayers / Intercessions
Prayers for Particular Sundays
Benedictions / Commissions
Famous Prayers
Indigenous Blessings
Other Occasions
20 — Theology Guides for the 21st Century
The Millennium Statement
The Charter of Compassion
21 — Additional Worship Resources
Suggested Books and CDs