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Books and resources for ministers, worship leaders, church members and all spiritual people

IVP Academic

Flood and Fury - Print

Flood and Fury - Print

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Flood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

Matthew Lynch

Soft cover 256pp
ISBN 9781514004296
IVP Academic (2023)

[Allow 4 weeks]

What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

Old Testament violence is one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

Lynch approaches two of the most violent passages in the Old Testament – the Flood and the Canaanite conquest – and offers a way forward that doesn’t require softening or ignoring the most troubling aspects of these stories.

While acknowledging the persistent challenge of violence in Scripture, he contends that reading with the grain of the text yields surprising insights into the goodness and the mercy of God. Through his exploration of themes related to violence including misogyny, racism, and nationalism, Lynch shows that these violent stories illuminate significant theological insights that we might miss with a surface reading.

Flood and Fury challenges us to let go of the need to rescue the Old Testament from itself and listen afresh to its own critiques on violence.

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